Vocabulaire français pour parler de la maison (French house vocabulary)

Introduction to French Vocabulary for the Home
Welcome to our latest post, where we delve into the rich and varied vocabulary of the French language as it pertains to the home. Whether you’re a beginner looking to familiarize yourself with common household terms or an advanced learner aiming to refine your linguistic skills, this article offers a comprehensive guide to the words and phrases that will help you navigate the domestic sphere in French. From the kitchen to the living room, we’ll explore the essential terminology that makes up the heart of everyday conversations within the cozy confines of a maison française. So, join us as we embark on this linguistic journey through the home, à la française!

  1. Salon (Living room)
    • Regarder la télévision (Watch TV)
    • Lire un livre (Read a book)
    • Écouter de la musique (Listen to music)
    • Se détendre (Relax)
  2. Cuisine (Kitchen)
    • Cuisiner (Cook)
    • Manger (Eat)
    • Laver/Faire la vaisselle (Wash the dishes)
    • Préparer le café (Make coffee)
  3. Chambre (Bedroom)
    • Dormir (Sleep)
    • S”habiller (Getting dressed)
    • Lire (Read)
    • Étudier (Study)
  4. Salle de bains (Bathroom)
    • Prendre une douche (Take a shower)
    • Se brosser les dents (Brush teeth)
    • Se maquiller (Put on makeup)
    • Se laver les mains (Wash hands)
  5. Salle à manger (Dining room)
    • Manger (Eat)
    • Discuter avec la famille (Talk with family)
    • Lire le journal (Read the newspaper)
  6. Bureau (Office)
    • Travailler (Work)
    • Étudier (Study)
    • Utiliser l’ordinateur (Use the computer)
    • Lire (Read)
  7. Jardin (Garden)
    • Jardiner (Gardening)
    • Se détendre (Relax)
    • Jouer (Play)
    • Faire un barbecue (Have a barbecue)

Exercice de lecture (Reading practice)


  1. What is the French term for “Living room”?
    • A) Cuisine
    • B) Chambre
    • C) Salon
    • D) Salle de bain
  2. How do you say “To cook” in French?
    • A) Manger
    • B) Cuisiner
    • C) Lire
    • D) Jardiner
  3. What is the French translation for “Bedroom”?
    • A) Bureau
    • B) Chambre
    • C) Jardin
    • D) Salon
  4. Which of the following means “To study” in French?
    • A) Se détendre
    • B) Se maquiller
    • C) Étudier
    • D) Jouer
  5. What is the French word for “Garden”?
    • A) Salle à manger
    • B) Cuisine
    • C) Jardin
    • D) Salle de bain

Remember, only one of the options is correct for each question. Good luck! (Correct answers below)

Voici les bonnes réponses pour le quiz : (Here are the correct answers for the quiz)

  1. Salon (Living room)
  2. Cuisiner (To cook)
  3. Chambre (Bedroom)
  4. Étudier (To study)
  5. Jardin (Garden)

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